ACP Changes Route Through Randolph County, WV

Gas Pipelines in Columbia

It’s not every day that you hear about a big corporation going out of it’s way to, literally, go out of it’s way.  Particularly when it’s just based off people making requests that the big company do so.  That’s exactly what happened in Randolph County, WV this week though.

A number of citizens voiced concerns about the Atlantic Coast Pipeline crossing through an area called Mingo Flats.  A Google search for Mingo Flats, WV brings up a surprising number of interesting and diverse articles, including a 5-minute first-person view of someone riding a motorcycle along Mingo Flats Road.  Apparently there is some historic value to the area.  This blog post by Granny Sue’s News and Reviews was enlightening.

The article in the Inter Mountain is behind a paywall, but if you do a Google search for the exact title of the article “Dominion gives ACP plan update” and click on the link Google provides, you can get around the paywall.

Tangent Warning: I’m not sure why so many news sites work that way, but many of them do; it’s so easy to get around that it doesn’t make sense to have a paywall like that.  Try it, it works for a surprising number of paywalls.

Back on point: the article hints that there have been other concerns raised by Randolph County residents, and it sounds like this was the only one that the ACP is going to address.  Perhaps the other concerns were not voiced by large numbers of residents, or they weren’t significant to the ACP.  I’m sure they were significant to the owner of the property.

If you need help negotiating with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline people, give us a call.  That’s what we do, all day, every day.  We can also help you actually understand what that Easement Agreement says and does.  You might be surprised at what you don’t realize you don’t know.  It pays to get some professional help with this kind of thing.  After all, this agreement is going to be in effect for decades.  It will be in effect for longer than that if you don’t get the right changes made to it.  Don’t make the mistake of burdening your property with an Easement Agreement that is never going to expire just to save a few bucks now.  Call us, you’ll be glad you did.
