One Company Will Start Drilling Again in 2016

energy-marcellus-shale05-drill-site-houses_26890_600x450PDC Energy is going to start drilling again in the first quarter of 2016.  Reading the article, it seems like the wells they have planned are mainly testing out new techniques, but they fully expect the wells to return more than their investment.  Part of that seems to be because they have hedged well, with oil hedged at $85/bbl and gas at $3.65/MCF.

Overall, we don’t see this as a sign that drilling is going to ramp up in 2016.  There will still be some leasing going on — there are always leases being taken.  We think it will be 2017 before we see anything start to really take off, and maybe even 2018.  It’s going to be lean times for anyone in the oil and gas industry.  However, those who are competent and hard-working will have something to do.

And there we go again, making predictions.  It’s so hard to not speculate about the direction of oil and gas.  Well, we’ll see whether these predictions are accurate or not in a year or so.

Post Production Costs

Dollar SignThe West Virginia Royalty Owner’s Association posted a quick calculation showing what post production costs will do to your royalties.  It’s quite simple, so we won’t belabor the point on this blog.  Hop on over to this page and take a quick look.

When you’re reviewing your lease, watch for “post production costs” and “market enhancement”.  If either of those terms are in your lease, you will be charged for post production costs.  Keep in mind that we lawyers are sneaky and very good with words.  Post production cost language can be hidden, obscured, and difficult to understand.  If you have any questions at all about whether your lease includes post production cost language, call this office at 304-473-1403 and someone on our team will explain what we can do to help you.

Pipeline Internal Workings

Gas Pipelines in ColumbiaHere is an interesting article about a pipeline that has seen better days but may also have better days ahead.  We’re not so interested in the pipeline itself as much as we’re interested in the details of how pipelines work.  If you’d like to start your education about pipelines, this article is a good one for you.

West Virginia has an Energy Export Problem

Power Plant

This article from The Intelligencer out of Wheeling, WV says that West Virginia has a lot of gas in the ground.  While that’s not necessarily news, the estimated amount going up is.

It’s exciting that there’s that much gas in the ground, but West Virginia really needs to do more with the gas.  Right now we export most of it.  We would like to see West Virginia put more of it to use here.  The cracker plant in Parkersburg, WV and the gas-fired energy plants in Harrison County and the northern panhandle are the direction we need to go.  Exporting raw materials is OK, but refining and improving it so that we can keep more of the value in state will be better.  We exported coal for decades, and now we have a lot of coal mines and a lot of coal miners who are out of work.  If we can do more with the raw product we can keep more of the money here and develop more infrastructure so we don’t feel the hurt so badly when the economy tanks and changes.

Baby It’s Cold Outside…..No It’s Not

huh_450Just a couple of weeks ago, Burleson LLP, a Houston law firm with Pittsburgh offices specializing in oil and gas shut it’s doors.  It was a sign that things were getting bad in the oil and gas industry.

This week, Frost Brown Todd, also an energy company, announced that it is opening an office in Pittsburgh and hiring 10 of the 30 lawyer that lost their jobs when Burleson shut down.

So, is it bad, or is it good?

We’ve seen an increase in the number of people calling the office about oil and gas leases in the last few months, with a drop off in the last week or two.  The amount that oil and gas companies are willing to offer for lease bonuses and royalties has just started to drop a little.  The price of oil and the price of natural gas continue to decline.  Sometime next year some pipeline projects are going to be completed, with more to come in 2017 and 2018.  There are natural gas energy plants being built in West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.  There are cracker plants being built in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and the one planned for Wood County, WV may not be on life support any more.  This winter, while expected to be snowy, is not expected to be cold.  Russia is getting in a fight with Turkey, but the rest of the Middle East is pretty much business as usual with the Saudis still producing as much oil as they want with no signs they will cut back.

So, it’s bad, and it’s good.

We’ve given up predicting where oil and gas prices are going, and where the oil and gas industry is going.  There’s always good news and there’s always bad news.  The more important question is, do you have a lease or a modification or a right of way agreement in hand that needs to be dealt with?  If so, give us a call.  We’re here to help.

The ACP Is Now Taking Easements

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is now offering to buy easements from landowners in Upshur County, West Virginia.  The easement includes a 75 foot permanent right of way and a 50 foot temporary right of way.  They are offering $42 per foot, which is the old standard of $1.00 per inch per foot.

The ACP is a 42 inch pipeline which originates in Doddridge County and passes through Lewis, Upshur, Randolph, and Pocahontas counties in West Virginia.  If you think you might be on the route, you can go to Dominion’s Atlantic Coast Pipeline map page.  There are several different types of maps there that you can play with.  Most people on the route have been approached with an offer at this point, but I spoke today with a client whose neighbor should be on the route but hasn’t yet been approached by a landmanAtlantic Coast Pipeline in West Virginia.

The ACP is going to have FERC approval, meaning it will have eminent domain powers.  The ACP will do their best to put together a deal with a landowner instead of going in front of the courts, though, for two good reasons.  One, it’s cheaper to just deal with the landowner.  Two, the rights they get in a court order are usually more limited than what they can negotiate with a typical landowner.

This means that you will have a chance to negotiate for a good deal.  You can get a better price for your property, but more importantly you can also get much better terms.  The ACPs easement agreement isn’t as comprehensive as the Mountain Valley Pipeline’s, but it still needs some important changes.

Make sure the easement can’t be moved without your approval.  You don’t want to grant them an easement based off a landman’s verbal assurances or even a preliminary map.  The location has to be clearly marked and any changes must be made in writing.

Make sure you can use the easement for whatever you want so long as it doesn’t interfere with the pipeline’s safe function.  The easement states nearly the opposite, limiting your ability to use the easement to a number of specific items.

Make sure that if the easement is no longer being used by them that it reverts back to you.  As written, the easement agreement is permanent, even if the pipeline is no longer being used.  You probably won’t see the day the pipeline stops carrying gas, but your grandkids might, and they’ll thank you for your foresight.

Make sure they pay you a lot more than they’ve offered.  The new standard in West Virginia is $2.00 per inch per foot, but if you get onto some online forums you’ll find people who are talking about getting $4.00-$5.00 per inch per foot, which would equal $168-$210 per foot for a 42 inch pipeline.  While we haven’t seen those number materialize yet (it’s all just speculation) we’d like to see better than $1 per inch per foot.

There are a number of other things you might want to ask for, including the right to cross the pipeline with heavy equipment, a specific type of fence around the easement, special treatment for timber, avoiding certain areas of your property, gates in specific locations, limits to their ability to use your existing roads, and a prohibition against their workers hunting, fishing, camping, or doing any other activities on your land.

We are putting together a group to negotiate with the ACP.  You can join and leave any time you want.  With a large number of landowners we can get more concessions, including more money, from the ACP.  Call if you would like to be part of it.  304-473-1403.


What is Pooling and Why is the Oil and Gas Company Asking us to Sign a Pooling Agreement?

DocumentOnce you’ve started talking with a landman about an oil and gas lease or a modification or amendment of an old oil and gas lease, it usually won’t take long before the term “pooling” or “pool” or “unit” or “unitization” comes up.  A lot of landmen will throw the word out, just expecting you to understand it.  They use the term all the time, so they might not even realize that they just said something that doesn’t make any sense to you in context.  “What does a swimming pool have to do with my oil and gas rights?” you think to yourself, but the landman is moving on to something else and you just move right along with him.  It never really gets explained sometimes.

A good landman will explain the term because he/she will know that people don’t understand what a pool or unit is, but not all the landmen out there are experienced enough to 1) realize that you don’t know what they’re talking about and 2) be able to explain it well.

A lot of people use the terms pooling and unitizing interchangeably, but they are technically two different things.  Here in West Virginia we primarily use pools, though the argument could be made that what we are doing is a little more like unitization than pooling.  Here are my Oil and Gas Law in a Nutshell definitions.  Pooling: bringing together small tracts for the drilling of a single well.  Unitization: combining leases and wells over a producing formation for field-wide operations.


Unitization is most often used to describe the situation where you use some of the wells in the area to inject fluids into the formation that you’re trying to get oil or gas out of, and the rest of the wells to extract the oil and gas.  The fluids you inject increase pressure or do other things to make the oil and gas flow better.  Without the fluids, you wouldn’t get much or any production.  It wouldn’t be fair to use some guy’s property to inject the fluids and not compensate him in some way, so the injection wells and the extraction wells are “unitized” and they share the royalties.  This is more common in oil production than in gas production.  The following graphic from Oil and Gas Journal is by far the best illustration that I could find online.  I hope they don’t mind me using it.

Development of Unitized Property

The dots represent wells that are intended for production, and the dots with arrows on them are wells that are intended for injection, in this case “flooding” with water.  The blue areas are owned by someone who doesn’t want to participate, but that’s way off topic.

Unitization is often done when the field is ending it’s productive life, so wells that were previously used for production are converted to injection, and contribute to the efficiency and profitability of the field.


Pooling is when you’re using multiple properties together to develop a well or, as we are doing here in West Virginia, a group of wells that all start from one well pad.

A Marcellus Shale Drilling Unit from Antero Resources in Doddridge County, WV.

A Marcellus Shale Drilling Unit from Antero Resources in Doddridge County, WV.

On this map, the well pad would be in the center of the pool, about where D1 is, and wells would extend out to the northwest and southeast.


The big plays here in West Virginia are the Utica and the Marcellus shales.  To develop these shale plays efficiently, we use horizontal fracturing.  The company will drill down to just above the Marcellus shale (or the Utica if that’s what they’re after), then bend the well and run it horizontally through the formation.  The horizontal part of the well will extend out from half a mile to more than a mile.  There are very few individual tracts of land in West Virginia that can encompass an entire one-mile long horizontal leg.  This one fact is one half of the reason behind pooling.

The other reason is that oil and gas leases are in competition with each other.  Let me explain.

West Virginia law recognizes a rule called the Rule of Capture.  It means that if something enters your property, it’s yours.  It was developed a long, long time ago in England to determine who owned an animal that was wounded by a hunter, ran onto someone else’s property, and died there.  The courts decided the animal belonged to the property owner.  The courts applied the same rule to oil and gas.

Since you could own any oil that came onto your property, you could drill a well right next to the property line and suck the oil out from under your neighbor’s property.  If your neighbor didn’t drill a well on his side of the property line (it’s called an offset well) he would just lose all his oil.  It wasn’t nice, but it was legal.

If your neighbor had leased his oil rights to someone, he could request that the lessee drill an offset well.  If the lessee wouldn’t your neighbor could cancel the lease and lease the property out to someone else.

Leases were in competition with each other, and they still are.  That’s why an oil and gas lease has to include the right to pool, it’s the right to use your property together with other properties to develop the oil and gas.

So now you know what pooling is, and why you’re being asked to include the right to pool in that lease you’re looking at.  There’s quite a bit more about the pooling clause that we could talk about, but this post is already pretty long so we’ll save that for another day.

If you’re finding yourself confused by all the legalese in an oil and gas lease, or if you’re intimidated by the thought of trying to negotiate with someone who does negotiation every day, give us a call at Nuttall Legal.  Our number is 304-473-1403.